user experience design

Tropical redesign for growth focused digital agency

Prioritising time to work on your own identity when you’ve got work to be done for clients is challenging. That’s why Cabana approached me. Cabana needed something flexible and represented their values around growth.

I aimed to create a design that offered variety in building pages, without compromising on structure.

  • ForCabana
  • Role
    • Visual design
  • Type
    • Website design
mobile 01
desktop 01

Designing a system for page creation

With Cabana, I worked to get the structure and flexibility required with the design. Being able to have a range of colours to keep things fresh between pages. It also helps to convey the tropical and growth aspect of the brand.


mobile 01
mobile 08
mobile 09
mobile 10


desktop 01
desktop 02
desktop 03
desktop 04
desktop 05

Tidying up brand elements

As I was working around the design and colour I found the logo was bugging me. I felt the type choice represented Cabana well but it needed kerning improvements.

Starting with improving the logo

As an agency, it’s important to show your attention to detail. The Cabana logo was using a typeface without modification, I made a few quick adjustments to make it feel that bit more intentional.

Cabana logo before and after

If you look closely at the before, taking in to consideration the three ‘a’ characters, there’s an almost awkward space either side of them. So generally tightening up the kerning here adds a better balance to the type overall.

Colour and type really set the tone

Cabana were open to me exploring ways to refresh their brand. I set the tone through defining colour and type. From discussions, it led me to inspiration from the 80s vaporwave style and labels from bottles of mezcal.

Cabana’s complementary five colour palette

Add more vibrancy and warmth

Noting the cooler blues and more muted greens that were present throughout the site, I saw no need to veer too far.

In my opinion, they were close to hitting the tropical vibe, but it needed more warmth, which I brought in through pink and working on the blues and vibrancy in the greens. Adding a few other complementary colours to that, you achieve what Cabana were looking for.

Visual flourishes

As mentioned with the mezcal labels, I figured I had to try bring that style in somehow.

Cabana logo in a label style

As I created the label and it felt right to round off the website with it.

designed & built with figma, gatsby & netlify

© 2024mcknny